The Alpha's Fight: Huntsville Pack Book 3 Read online

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  "You can? I had no idea."

  "You used to know. Mostly because I used your credit card to pay for everything." Her sister flushed. "I didn't think you would notice the charges, but it turns out you budget your money down to the penny."

  "You stole my credit card?"

  Adele ducked her head, refusing to meet Lia's eyes. "Maybe it's better if we don't bring up the past."

  "What about now? Are you still an addict?" Lia wanted to know how closely she should watch her purse.

  "Addiction never stops. It's like having a second beast inside you," said the healer. "But you can keep it from eating you and the people you love."

  "How?" Adele asked. She waved her knife. "By making soup?"

  "Yes. By making soup." The healer held Adele's gaze with hers. "When you're thirsty, what you drink determines if you live or die. I will teach you how to feed your addiction in a way that builds you and your pack up. You won't crave the drugs anymore."

  "I don't crave them now. The vampires helped—"

  The healer cut her off with a sharp motion of her hand. "No. They didn't help you, they just gave you something new to crave."

  "Is that true?" Lia asked.

  Her sister focused on the potato in front of her, scrubbing out a brown spot with the peeler. "It seemed like a good idea at the time."

  "One that almost got both of you killed. If you deal with death, you might end up doing the dying, too," Marie said.

  "They were nice to me. Way nicer than my home pack. Nicer than" Adele shot a glare at the healer. "And they did help me."

  "You were sold like a piece of meat. If I hadn't come, they would've never let you go," Lia said.

  "I didn't know that until later." She started to chop the carrots, taking the time to make uniform cubes. "They hid it from me at first and by the time I realized what was happening, we'd shared blood. I couldn't run away. I was lucky to find a phone and send you a text."

  Lia snorted. "Is that how you define nice?"

  Her sister stiffened. "That part wasn't, but vampires are good and bad just like anyone else. Or did you want me to judge Ryder the same as Mason? Or should shifters look at you and think you're the same as me?"

  "For being such good 'people,' those vamps had no problem leaving you to die," Lia said. "Do you have any idea what I went through trying to save you?"

  "Do you have any idea what I went through trying to save myself?" Adele slammed her first on the cutting board. "I came here because I wanted to get better. To be better. I was duped. I didn't choose this. I've made a lot of mistakes. I've been selfish and deceitful, but what happened here in Huntsville? Had nothing to do with that."

  "Okay. You're right," Lia said. "I'm sorry."

  "I thought I was going to get real help. I came out here believing that." Her sister blinked away tears.

  "The water's boiling, let's get back to our broth," the healer said, her tone mild. "Making bone broth is simple enough. "First, you roast the bones. Get the oven nice and hot." Marie stepped over to turn on her stove. "After a couple hours, you add it to the stock pot with your veggies. And then finish it off with this herb packet." She pulled a small plastic bag full of dried herbs out of a cupboard.

  Lia went and added the bones, which were large joints that looked to be from a cow, to the roasting pan while Adele put the vegetables in the stock pot.

  "I think some tea is in order. I have something that might help with your memory, Lia." Marie filled a copper tea kettle and set it on the stove to brew.

  "Really? That would be wonderful." Lia couldn't help but be excited. Now that she had her sister, she wanted her memory back more than ever. There were so many important things she needed to know. Like how bad her sister's addiction really was and what her history was with it.

  "And Adele, we need to build up your blood. You've likely lost more than you realize to the vampires."

  "Okay," said Adele, indifferent.

  The healer shooed them out of the kitchen and had them sit around the small pine table in the breakfast nook while she finished up the tea. She set out a full spread for them; cookies, a jar of honey, red grapes and fresh sliced apples. For the tea she gave them each a delicate china teacup decorated in a sweet floral pattern.

  "I made the cookies yesterday. Couldn't understand why I made so many, but now that you're here it makes more sense," she said as she poured hot water into their cups.

  "Do you always just know stuff like that?" Adele sipped her tea, made a face and set it back down.

  "Most of the time. A properly trained healer doesn't miss much." Marie nudged Adele's tea cup toward her. "Drink up. You may not like how it tastes, but you'll feel better for it. When was the last time you had their blood?"

  Adele picked up her mug and blew on it. "I don't know. A few days ago?"

  "How about the last time they fed from you? When was that?" Marie asked.

  "Yesterday," said Adele.

  "So the craving hasn't hit yet."

  "Craving for what? Being bitten?" Adele shook her head. "That's not how it works."

  "Is that what they told you?"

  "It's what I know."

  "Ah, so you've never had to do without." Marie patted Adele's hand. "Not many know this and I'm sure the vampires didn't want you to know, but their fangs are very addictive."

  "No," her sister said, suddenly despondent.

  "Yes, I'm sorry." Marie passed over the honey. "Here, add this. It will help with the bitterness."

  Adele dumped a generous amount of the sweet amber liquid and stirred her tea.

  Lia sipped her tea, half afraid it would taste as unpleasant as Adele's but it had a nice flowery flavor to it. "What's in this?"

  "Forget-me-nots picked at the peak of the moon's power," the healer said. "And some other herbs that are good for the brain. It's not magic, but it should help. You can have a cup each night until you've recovered your memory. I'll make up a bag for you to take with you."

  "Thank you." Lia watched as her sister finished her tea in one big gulp and chased it with a cookie.

  They sat in companionable silence for several minutes, drinking their tea and munching cookies while the aroma of the roasting soup bones filled the kitchen. From the back of the cabin, she could hear the occasional soft snore from Ryder. They were safe. All the stress Lia had carried for the last several days, left her and in its place was an exhaustion that ran marrow deep. Even her vision blurred. She just wanted to put her head down and give in to her body's urgent demand for sleep.

  Lia blinked and rubbed her eyes, fighting the drowsiness. Across from her, she saw that Adele had already lost the battle. Her sister slumped in her chair, head dropped forward and bobbing gently with each breath she took.


  "Shh. She's asleep," Marie said. She rose and went into the kitchen where she pulled open a drawer. Returning to the table, she began to wind a bright chain around Adele's wrists.

  "What are you doing? Is that...silver?" Lia stood, but immediately sat back down as the world turned sideways on her. "What is going on? Did you drug us?"

  "Yes, it is silver and yes, I did drug you." The healer's voice was calm. "The vampires have their fangs in your sister. She's going to want to go to them as the blood fever strikes her. And I don't want to fight you over what must be done."

  "Which is what?" Lia held her head in her hands, fighting the strong urge to just let it sink to the table. It wasn't safe.

  The healer bent down and tied Adele's ankles together with the silver chain. "Her blood is tainted. She'll never be free of the vampires, not unless one or the other dies first."

  Lia closed her eyes so she could listen better. Her sister's blood was tainted. Got it. "How do you fix that?"

  "We'll discuss it later. For now, just rest." The healer's voice dropped into a soothing sing-song cadence. Her hands pulled at Lia, lifting her up out of the chair and guiding her into the bedroom where Ryder rested. Pushing her into bed next to Ryder
, the healer tucked her in. "Sleep, child. Your sister will keep for now. I'll watch over her."

  Lia let sleep take her. She couldn't resist anymore and as Ryder's scent filled her nose, she slipped away into the darkness that carried her to her dreams.

  Chapter Twenty

  Ryder woke in the dead of night unable to say where he was. A bed sagged under him, so soft it made his back ache. Next to him lay Lia. He recognized her by scent first and then registered the sweetness of her weight pressed against him.

  They weren't in the strip club anymore. That was obvious. He smelled woods, not the musty smell of vampires and the sour scent of old booze from the club's patrons. As his eyes adjusted to the dark, he could see pine trees through the window on his left. If the moon was out, clouds had blotted its light.

  Lia sighed next to him and he rolled onto his side, pulling her back against him, the lush curves of her hips and ass making his groin tight. He'd been in and out on the car ride to Marie's cabin but had overheard enough to know they'd found her sister and the vampires were gone. Plus, Mason was dead. It seemed all their immediate problems had been dispatched or disappeared as necessary. And Lia knew who she was...sort of. He knew what she was to him...his.

  His wolf gave a low woof of agreement. Mine.

  The fact she'd chosen to share the bed with him said she knew it, too. They'd both felt the pull of attraction between them this whole time. Maybe now they didn't have to turn their backs on it anymore. When he hadn't been fighting for his life, it had been damn near impossible to keep himself from ripping off her clothes and bending her over so he could claim her the way his animal nature demanded.

  She was intoxicating as the moonshine his grandfather used to make, but smelled much nicer. He winced and then chuckled as he recalled his first taste of moonshine. Swallowing paint varnish and chasing it with a lit match would've tasted better, he was sure of it.

  Lia stirred at the sound of his laugh and turned toward him, her eyes drifting open. He watched as consciousness filtered through the drowsiness clouding her gaze and smiled when recognition dawned.

  She struggled to sit. "Ryder. You're up." She pressed a soft hand to his forehead. "Are you okay?"

  "Better now that you're here." He sat up as well and reached for her, pulling her in for a kiss. Her lips had a floral flavor with a bitter yet pleasant herbal aftertaste. He drank it in, taking his time to explore her mouth and possess it fully.

  Lia arched into his chest and moaned. "Ryder," she managed to whisper around his lips and tongue.

  "Lia," he whispered back, although not as elegantly as she had. Enunciation didn't matter. He was more interested in sucking her bottom lip, drawing the flesh out and scoring it gently with his teeth. She gasped at the rough edge of his kiss and a hot arousal flooded her scent. His hand slipped between her thighs to check. Yep. She was wet.

  His wolf howled so loud in his head that, for a moment, he couldn't hear anything else.

  She squirmed as he slipped his hand down her pants and invaded her nether lips. Her breathing stopped for a second when he found the magic spot.

  "Oh," she sighed and bit down on his bottom lip.

  "I've wanted to touch you like this for a while now." He moved his finger faster and her hips spun in urgent little circles with him.

  She gave a small whine. "Ryder, we can't."

  He considered listening to her and stopping. He should probably ask about her sister, about what had happened, but he was afraid the outside world would rush in and take over. They'd been puppets to other people's agendas the last few days. This—right here, right now—was their time. If he gave it up, he had no idea when he would have another chance like this. The death of Mason meant he had loose ends now in his old pack and his new pack still waited. He refused to let that sweep him away from Lia. Not yet.

  "Yes, we can," he said, nuzzling her neck and nipping the flesh above her collarbone. He let his teeth sink in deeper, making his mark. At the same time, he worked her faster and harder with his finger, demanding more from her. "I need you. Tell me you need me, too."

  "Yes." She drew the word out in a long, hissing howl.

  Pushing her back on the bed, he shoved her T-shirt up to her shoulders, revealing the curve and heft of her breasts. He took a second to pull off her pants, as well. Then, straddling her stomach, he cupped a breast in each hand and leaned down to plant soft kisses on both mounds. With his lips, he blazed a slow trail around her nipples, refusing to touch them even when she tried to thrust her chest at his mouth.

  Finally, when he couldn't take it any longer, he brought each nipple into his mouth, using the velvet of his tongue to start and ending with sharp nips of his teeth. Lia yelped and threaded her fingers through his hair, holding so tight his scalp burned. Her hips danced under him, causing her stomach to jostle his cock. Just that little bit of contact was almost too much.

  With a groan, Ryder left her breasts and moved to her core. He needed her to come so he could bury himself inside her and relieve the throbbing ache that had taken over his cock. He wouldn't take her until she was screaming with pleasure.

  She tasted as sweet as she smelled. Her juices flowed over his tongue and he drank in both the flavor and scent of her until his head spun. Working his fingers inside her wet passage, he searched for the spot that would cause her to explode. She arched her hips as he found it and begged him to finish her.

  "Please, Ryder. Yes, like that. Please."

  He slowed down and let his fingers go still. When she groaned in frustration, he lifted his head to smile at her. She was on the edge of bliss, but he wanted to hear it in her voice. "How bad do you want it?"

  Lia gave him a wide-eyed look as if she couldn't believe he'd stopped touching her. "Ryder." She drew his name out in a low howl of frustration.

  He gave her a nudge with his fingers and admired the way her breasts moved as she squirmed. "What do you want, Lia?"

  "I want...anything. Anything you want."

  "I want you. I'm going to make you wet, and then I'm going to make you scream. But is that what you want, too?" He held his breath. If she said no, he didn't know what he would do. He needed her in a way he'd never needed anyone before. It left him vulnerable and he had to resist the urge to pull away and protect himself. This wasn't a fight, where letting his guard down meant losing the match. This was his mate. To win her heart, he had to give her his.

  She went quiet for a moment, even her body going still. Giving a slow nod, she said, "Yes."

  "You're mine." He covered the nub between her legs with his mouth and growled loud and hard into her body.

  She jumped, every muscle taut as a cable about to snap. Her breath came in fast pants that caused her entire chest to heave.

  He stopped again. "Say it." When she couldn't muster a response, he gave her a little shake. "Tell me, Lia."

  "I'm yours. Please, Ryder. Make me yours."

  He buried his face into her core, his tongue merciless and his fingers demanding everything she had to give.


  Lia fought to breathe as Ryder took control of her body. His touch was sure and firm. He found all of her most sensitive spots and teased them mercilessly with his tongue and fingers. She was going to lose it.

  For the first time since she'd woken up in the nursing home, she was comfortable in her own skin. She belonged with Ryder. Everything about this moment rang with that truth.

  His touch scorched her skin like a brand, marking her. She arched into his touch, wanting to feel the burn. Heat pulsed deep in her core and she spread her legs to give more of herself to him. Ryder's tongue lashed across her flesh as his fingers teased her. Up, down, side-to-side, the sensations built into a crescendo.

  Just a little bit more and she would be cast over the edge.

  She whimpered when he stopped. "Ryder?"

  "I don't want to go too fast. We only have one first time." He brushed a finger across her core.

  "But not forever," she said, panti
ng. Just one flick of his finger and he pushed her to the edge of insanity. Surely he wouldn't make her wait much longer. She didn't think what was left of her brain could take it.

  "With you, I think I do." He disappeared between her legs again. This time he tormented her with a masterful ferocity that had her writhing. She could tell, just from the way he touched her, that the teasing was over. He meant business and there would be no more stopping.

  "Yes," she said, her voice a soft crow of triumph.

  He turned his head and bit her inner thigh. At the same time, he thrust his fingers deep inside her. She screamed as her nerves registered how his teeth dug into her skin, which merged with the hot spark of pleasure he triggered inside her. Just as she'd become accustomed to that, he returned to her core.

  At first he was soothing, running his tongue up and down with gentle strokes. Then he became a tyrant, pushing her harder and nipping at her most tender flesh. Every time his teeth edged pleasure into pain she gasped. He alternated between hard and soft so fast, she couldn't catch her breath.

  An orgasm blossomed within her, racing from her wet center out to her muscles and forcing her heart to drum. Losing all control, she screamed as sweet bliss overtook her.

  "Yes, baby. Just like that." Ryder bit her other thigh as his fingers coaxed a second wave of pleasure from her.

  She went limp, unable to do anything but surrender. Her body throbbed, both with satisfaction and a deeper need.

  Earlier she'd said they should stop, but it was too late for that now. And she wouldn't have it any other way. The powerful reaction of her body to Ryder told her she'd been holding back too long. Everything else would just have to wait.

  Her sister was safe; she would keep.

  Except, wait. She furrowed her brow as a foggy memory floated up to the surface, thin and delicate as lace. Oh shit. The healer and the tea she'd given them.

  She struggled to pull away from Ryder. "Stop. We can't. Not now." He chased her up the bed, not registering. She pushed him away, or tried to, but he was as immovable as a mountain. "Ryder!"